Get involved

Find out more about the events and opportunities and get involved
in National Productivity Week around the UK.

Trade, FDI and productivity: how do they interact?

This panel discussion, held at the Department for International Trade in Manchester, will feature Professor Nigel Driffield, Professor Jun Du, Elvin Willgrass, Mark Hepworth, and Kia Gardner of Freedom Confectionery.

Beyond Technology: CIO Perspectives on Boosting Productivity

This event at 9am at The Shard brings together a panel of experienced CIOs and University of Cambridge academic Dr Nina Jörden to explore practical ways for senior leaders to tackle the productivity paradox.

Productivity in Midlands: Insights & Actions

The Midlands Productivity Forum and Loughborough Business School are organising a webinar focused on productivity issues in Midlands.

Amtico International Factory Tour

Amtico is an opportunity to see comparative advantage & productivity in action. The business competes with much larger Far East and European rivals through constant re-invention and strategic decisions on what to do…and what to avoid.

Graphic of innovation icons linked together highlighted by a business person's hand

The AI Productivity Opportunity

Join The Productivity Collective members for a half-day event focused on AI, tech and productivity.

Festival of Flourishing Regions

An event dedicated to the advancement and growth of regions across the UK, to promote and celebrate the role that cities and regions play in the economy and prosperity of the country.

From Create to Innovate: A Pathway to Productive People, Firms, and Places

Join us for a lecture from worldwide expert on rapid-innovation-based industries, Professor Dan Breznitz, and a panel discussion about the meaning of ‘innovation’ within global business.

Bridging the gap between UK firms

This event will explore productivity dispersion between firms in the UK, with presentations based on recent work by the Office for National Statistics, The Productivity Institute, and the ScaleUp Institute.

Delivering a Step Change for Productivity in the North West

Join us to explore what the North West’s economy will look like in 2040 at this event with the North West Productivity Forum, the North West Business Leadership Team and Accenture.

Unlocking Productivity: Insights and Strategies from C-Suite Leaders

In this webinar with CIMA and AICPA, we will discuss how senior leaders can collaborate better to unlock their firms’ productivity potential.

Warwick Business School logo

Unlocking the UK’s Productivity Potential

This event from The Productivity Institute Midlands Forum seeks to bring together business, policy and academia to explore how we can both better understand the barriers to productivity growth in the region, and ways that we can collaborate to address them.

Primary school children in class with their hands up

Productivity Pitches: Schools

By highlighting outstanding examples of innovation across public services, Productivity Pitches, hosted by the Institute for Government, aims to share and support ways to improve performance levels in schools.

Aberdeen harbour with boats docking

The Power of Purpose in Business

Sheryl Newman, CEO & Founder, Appetite for Business, will speak about the way that purpose shaped her business including leading to the B-Corp certification at this event delivered with Peer Works and The Productivity Institute Scotland Forum.

Crichton Church in Dumfries

Boosting Regional Prosperity: Productivity in the Rural Economy

Discover how The Crichton Trust Estate, Dumfries, empowers rural businesses with heritage spaces, green innovation, and NetZero solutions.

Edinburgh skyline

Productivity Tips for Tech Businesses

Delivered in partnership with the Eagle Labs and The Productivity Institute Scotland Forum, this interactive session targeted at tech founders will bring experts and founders first-hand experience on tasks prioritisation, time management and people best practice.

Sunset over Glasgow

Driving Growth in Scotland: Finance, FinTech, and Funding

Join us to unlock Scotland’s potential with investments that deliver financial returns, drive sustainability, and champion inclusivity.

Fast moving street in Glasgow

Scaling Up Success: A Hands-On Workshop for Unlocking Business Potential

Join The Productivity Institute Scotland Forum and Connect Three to learn how businesses can identify and unlock their full potential for growth.

Glasgow Skyline

Public Sector Productivity Roundtable

The Programme for Government references a 10-year public service reform with some specific suggestions, but what does productivity mean in the public sector? This roundtable with Prosper and The Productivity Institute Scotland Forum brings together key stakeholders to explore the challenges and opportunities in enhancing public sector productivity.

Buildings along river in Glasgow

Redefining Productivity: Smarter Ways of Working

Join this workshop with The Productivity Institute Scotland Forum to explore how evolving work practices are reshaping our working culture.

Unlocking AI: Practical Strategies for Business Productivity

Join the The Productivity Institute Scotland Forum for a hands-on workshop with industry leaders Connect Three exploring how AI can be used to unlock productivity for your business.

Innovation and Infrastructure in the East

Join us for this event focusing on the role that innovation and infrastructure plays in supporting inclusive growth across East Anglia.

Making the Future Work – the Closing Conference of the Pissarides Review

The Pissarides Review into the Future of Work and Wellbeing – funded by the Nuffield Foundation – will presents major policy findings.

Queen's University Belfast logo

Northern Ireland Productivity 2040

This event will launch Northern Ireland’s Productivity Forum’s new report, NI Productivity 2040, focusing on how policy can improve NI’s productivity.

King's College London logo

London and the South: Becoming Productive Places?

This event will explore how current policies around net zero, place-based funding, and devolution offer both challenges and opportunities for communities in London, the South East, and the South West.

Construction Productivity Conference

The Construction Productivity Conference looks to address the UK construction ‘productivity puzzle’ head on. The Productivity Institute’s Graham Winch will be speaking at the event about Modern Methods of Construction.

Sheffield University Management School logo

Skills, people management and productivity in Yorkshire, Humber and North East

This Yorkshire, Humber and North East Productivity Forum event will explore how good people management practices can contribute to improvements in firms’ productivity and employee wellbeing.

Cardiff University logo

Productivity and the Wellbeing of Future Generations in Wales

The Wales Productivity Forum invites you to the launch of its new insights report, Wales’ Productivity Challenge: A Focus on the Future.

Cracking the productivity code: policies for sustainable growth

Presenting new work decomposing the UK’s productivity slowdown and highlighting international comparisons and what this means for policy.

Workplace mental health and productivity

Exploring evidence-based solutions for improving workplace mental health and productivity.

How can the government improve public service productivity?

Join us for the first of our Productivity Pitches hybrid events, a new series organised jointly with the Institute for Government.

Productivity Lessons Learnt from the World – Best International Practices and Policies

This CIMA webinar provides a forum for global business leaders and macro experts to share examples from leading countries to improve productivity growth and demystify the productivity puzzle.

Cardiff University logo

Productivity in Wales: in search of a miracle

This Breakfast Briefing will explore the huge Welsh productivity challenge and assess the potential for future improvements.

Queen's University Belfast logo

Delivering business and economic growth in Northern Ireland

Featuring the launch of the 2023 Northern Ireland Productivity Dashboard, alongside presenting findings from the NI Management Survey.

University of Glasgow logo

Innovation districts, partnerships and communities of innovation

Focusing on the Scottish context regarding building resilient and diverse communities of innovation.

University of Glasgow logo

Customers, consumers and end-users as FinTech innovators?

Reflection of the effect of fintech innovations on consumers and customers.

University of Glasgow logo

The Triple Bottom Line and AI – new ways of thinking about productivity

Discovering more about the framework that integrates social well-being, environmental stewardship and economic equity.